Tuesday, August 30, 2011

MJ's Christmas List....

During dinner a few nights ago, MJ announced one of his must have items for Christmas.  It went something like this:

"Mommy, for Christmas I want an X-Ray of my bones.  I really wanna see my bones."

"Well M.J., I'll see what I can do."

How the hell do we come up with that? He just set us up for failure. He's totally gonna be disappointed on Christmas morning.

Why couldn't he just ask for more cars from Disney's Cars 2????


Neglect.  That's what this blog has been getting.  Neglected.  I don't have time for this nonsense.  It is fun to keep track of MJ and his shenanigans though, so I will do my best.

Poor MJ.  Kids got strep.  And when he gets strep it's nasty.  He's got the nastiest looking tonsils I have ever seen.  They are literally fighting each other for space in his throat, they are so huge on a good day.  They most definitely contribute to his snoring issues.  Yeah he snores, it's so cute.  Not really.

We had to take him to a walk in clinic because of that jerk Irene, his pediatrician had no power so the office was closed.  Knowing how bad he had strep last time he couldn't wait to be seen.  Once he was confirmed with strep, we went to get his RX filled.  The husband told MJ he got it flavored with grape which really soured his mood since MJ hates grape flavored medicine.  After getting it changed to Bubble Gum he was all smiles.

The husband picked up some more Ibuprofen for MJ today and do you know what flavor he got?


And do you know what MJ's response to him was? 

"Daddy, we had this discussion in the car yesterday.  I do not like grape. I only like Bubble Gum."

"Well, he told you." I replied